Memories of Royon Drive

Created by Lisa 3 years ago

So many memories of Peter from the many times I spent at the Street home.

Walking into the house to find Percy, the budgie sitting on his head. Peter sat with his feet on a hot water bottle whilst telling us that it wasn't cold!!  Peter watching TV whilst puffing on that pipe. The full length chats with the budgie. Sat on the bench in the garden, in the summertime drinking tea and looking at his plants. Peter and Margaret returning from their holidays looking tanned, happy and in high spirits, Putting up with me and Sharon being annoying teenagers, letting me stay over at the weekend and making breakfast.

He almost ran me over in Morrison's car park with that scooter that he had, when I shouted 'hey watch what you're doing' he told me to jog on but not that politely!!!!!  I laughed - typical Peter all twinkly eyes and cheekiness - and I was so happy to have bumped into him.

Peter was a quiet, sensitive, caring, down to earth gentleman.  He was good company, had an insightful perceptive view of the world and had a wonderful sense of humour - in fact he often made me laugh out loud.

I thought he was a lovely man and I shall miss him xxx